Carol Robinson
Carol is a local potter whose work is recognisable and unique. Carol's clay forms are inspired by domestic forms and architecture. Her work is formed from a series of slabs, each addition influencing the shape and structure of the work. Once the basic form is created, the addition of the details - the finishing touch - give each work it's unique character. Carol's glazing, usually comprised of several layers and firings, give her pieces a richness and depth of colour. All of Carol's work is engaging, enchanting and will often raise a smile in the gallery.

230mmhigh x 110mmwide $265

280mmhigh x 140mmwide $265

280mmhigh x 130mmwide $265

280mmhigh x 100mmwide $265

200mmhigh x 135mmwide $265

280mmhigh x 130mmwide $265







165mmhigh x 130mmwide $180

210mmhigh x 140mmwide $210